
The simple employee work and leave time management tool.

qsWorkTime was originally developed in 2009 to expand on an existing ERP software system that, for some reason, tracked work time on projects and other tasks, but did not offer any kind of daily work hours or leave time management. Then again, somewhere around 2015, it became clear that the EU would pass legislation requiring all employers to track their employees' daily work time. (I will be writing a blog article about this soon.) Hence, qsWorkTime was re-developed in 2015/2016 as a stand-alone, multi-tenancy software application for a European insurance company who's employees worked mainly from home anyway. In addition, a decent access to the user-interface for employees via mobile devices became a requirement and we redesigned the UI to be more "responsive".

In 2019 it became clear that we would also need to add "leave management", since clients already using the work time management features (including ourselves at 4 locations in 3 countries) felt like it would be more efficient to simply run and track employee leave requests and leave time through the same software. 2021/2022 will now see a complete overhaul of the UI-design, in order to be more "modern" and up-to-date.

qsWorkTime Features.

  • Although mainly created as an "expansion" to existing ERP or Project/Service Management software products, qsWorkTme can also be implemented as a standalone application in a SAAS (Software As A Service, hosted by us), self hosted (on premises) or strictly on-site environment.
  • Multi-tenancy. Eg: multiple organizations or even departments etc. Can be deactivated for single company unit.
  • Multi-lingual. Currently available in English, Spanish and German.
  • Import interface for Holidays (per Tenant).
  • Optional CalDAV connectivity/Synchronization.
  • Optional LDAP integration
  • Export time sheet and leave data to *.csv format.
  • ...

If you would like to know more about qsWorkTime, please feel free to contact us at any time, Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm MESZ (GMT+2).

Use-Case Examples

  • Your employees or freelancers are basically working from anywhere yet need to clock-in/out to keep track of their daily work time or inavailability (leave).
  • Your company does not deploy a (card, key, etc.) entry system that doubles as a work time tracking system.
  • Your company is required to track daily work time and record over-time (eg: EU regulations).
  • ...

Please feel free to contact us for your use-case idea or questions.